Korean War Veteran's Family from Columbia > Testimonials


Testimonials Testimonials

Korean War Veteran's Family from Columbia

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 댓글 0건 조회 966회 작성일 20-11-20 18:53


We are a Group of 22 people going forma Colombia to Korea next july 28th

We requested 

 1. Could you help with ground transportation from Incheon Airport to Ibis Ambassador Myeongdong hotel?

 2. Could you help us with a guided City tour for the group a full day? With transportation and a person that explained us the places and History of them


  3. Are you allowed to offer tours to DMZ?  We want to take it for a Half day

  All requests completed with highly satisfaction.  

  Thanks to you for all your help and we appreciate very much.

  Sandra from Columbia 


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